
Friends of the
beverly hills public library

Friends of the Beverly Hills Public Library is a non-profit organization that helps support the service and programs of the Beverly Hills Public Library. The library has won many awards and repeated national recognition.

Friends raises funds and sponsors activities that supplement, enhance, and enrich the library's collections and programs. 

Friends membership fees, Book Store revenues and donations provide many of the library's best loved and most needed resources.

Please join us. We can't do it without you. 


 About us

The Friends of the Beverly Hills Library is about much more than just books.

The library’s membership and resources are enjoyed by residents from the entire Los Angeles area.

Friends was formed in 1958 to enhance the Library’s services and has made substantial contributions to the Library’s collections and programs.

Among the most recent programs funded by Friends are:

  • Providing money for books, digital media and informational systems

  • Commissioning artwork that makes the library a stimulating, inviting place to be

  • Funding a Summer Reading Club that serves about 1,000 children each year

  • Supporting a Teen Zone where kids enjoy books, games, and companionship year-round

  • Sponsoring a popular book club

  • Delivering books to the homebound. For homebound delivery, please call 310-288-2264

  • Underwriting a program to help preserve local history

  • Raising money through membership, the sale of donated merchandise, financial donations and tributes

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For your convenience you may make your donation to the Friends by clicking below. If you are donating through PayPal please note in the comments if it is a membership donation and what level, or if a Tribute donation who it is for.

Click here for a printable copy of this Membership form.

Enclose your check (payable to Friends of the Beverly Hills Public Library) and mail to:

The Friends of the Beverly Hills Public Library Donations
444 N. Rexford Drive
Beverly Hills, California 90210-4877

I want to support the Friends of the Beverly Hills Public Library at the following Member levels:

  • Individual $50

  • Family $100

  • Sponsor $250

  • Benefactor $500

  • Circle of Friends $1,000

To make a tribute, print the Tribute Fund form and mail to the address above, For gifts of $35 or more we offer a Tribute book acknowledgement in the subject area of your choice inscribed with your honoree's name. You and the designated recipient will be informed of the specific title after purchase.

The Friends oversee an Endowment Fund that benefits collections and programs within the Library. All funds are invested in safe and secure monetary institutions that generate interest to be used for future library needs. The donor may request the funds be utilized in a specific area or leave the decision to the Friends Board of Directors. 

Endowments have benefited music collections, fine arts lectures, children’s art programs and the computer lab.

If you have any questions, please email us at Many gifts of this nature are tax deductible, please check with your tax advisor for verification. 

Your donation is greatly appreciated.




Our Collection

The Friends Book Store is unique. Every item in the Store is donated. Some donations are the product of periodic clutter control or annual house cleaning. Others come from estates, including superb performance arts collections from the personal libraries of local entertainment luminaries. We receive shipments daily from generous donors. Many of our items are brand new or gently used in excellent condition. As a nonprofit (5013c), the money we receive is used to support library community literacy programs.

Our diverse holdings include numerous genres:

  • Art

  • Audio Books

  • Biographies

  • Business

  • Children’s Books

  • Classics

  • Collectors’ Items

  • Comics

  • Cookbooks

  • Entertainment

  • Family

  • Fiction

  • Graphic Novels

  • History

  • Manga

  • Music

  • Mystery

  • Non-Fiction

  • Politics

  • Reference

  • Religion

  • Romance

  • Science Fiction

  • Screen Plays

  • Self-Help

  • Suspense

  • Young Adult Books

  • DVDs

  • CDs

  • Signed Books

Book Donations

The Beverly Hills Public Library welcomes gifts of books, DVDs, CDs and audiobooks to enrich the Library’s collections. The Friends of the Library receive any donations not needed by the library and sell the items in their Book Store. All proceeds of the Friends Book Store sales are used to benefit the library. Receipts are available.

We love donations. Please call 310-288-2234 or email us at to schedule your donation dropoff.

Please make sure your donations are in boxes or bags.

We Accept

  • Hardcover Fiction and Nonfiction

  • Paperbacks - must be in like new condition

  • Gently used children’s books (especially Newberry winners)

  • DVDs and books on CD (must be operable with original artwork and casing

  • Dictionaries and Thesauri (recent editions)

  • Antiquarian, Rare and Collectable Books

  • Encyclopedias (older than current year)

  • Periodicals or magazines

  • Audio Books

We DO NOT Accept

  • Dirty, moldy, water damaged or bug infested

  • Missing or damaged bindings, covers, pages, sections or pictures

  • Excessive writing, markings or highlighting

  • Warped (soft cover books)

  • Activity Books, Tax or Government Documents

  • Directories and phone books

  • Readers Digest Condensed

  • Open Software Sets, VHS tapes, Cassettes

If you would like to volunteer in our store please email us at

Monday - Saturday 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday 12 noon - 4 pm
Closed major holidays



Judith Palarz, facilitator

Palarz Book Group

The 2nd Wednesday of each month at 10:15am
In the Library Meeting Room

Annual membership in Friends admits a reader to all meetings
or $5 per session is requested. 

No sign-up is necessary • Readers may attend any day.

The Frozen River

by Ariel Lawhon
Wednesday, January 8 at 10:15 am

The Dictionary of Lost Words

by Pip Williams
Wednesday, February 12 at 10:15 am

The Briar Club

by Kate Quinn
Wednesday, March 12 at 10:15 am


Fresh Water for Flowers

by Valérie Perrin
Wednesday, April 9 at 10:15 am

The Lost Bookshop

by Evie Woods
Wednesday, May 14 at 10:15 am

To Kill a Mockingbird

Harper Lee
Wednesday, June 11 at 10:15 am


Special events

I Saw Them Standing There event
with Debbie Gendler Supnik and Judith Palarz

Friends of the Beverly Hills Public Library welcomed author Debbie Gendler Supnik in conversation with Judith Palarz at our Annual General meeting May 1st in the Municipal Gallery. 

Debbie delighted attendees with stories from her book, “I Saw Them Standing There”, which chronicles her adventures as the first American fan to meet the Beatles and all that followed.

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Board of directors


Mallory Lee
Lisa Engelman
1st Vice President
Michelle Redston
2nd Vice President
Linda Jankowski
3rd Vice President
Melissa Stein

Cindy Trost
Recording Secretary
Stephanie Rund


Fran Behrstock
Trisha Bodaghi
Sylvia Fogelman
Michele Gabai
Jeanne Herman
Joyce Levine
Margaret Levy
Virginia Maas
Gail Millan
Maria Morrison
Abby Robyn
Judy Samson
Gina Seidel
Hope Anita Smith
Sandra Walder
Amy Wolken

Past Presidents: Active

Monique Maas Gibbons
Lori Goldman
Ann Golenternek
Karyn Newman
Charlotte Hill-Skura
Barbara Linder
Jean Rosenblatt